When you leave the office, it is important that somebody is there to answer your calls from your patients. With a medical answering service, you do not have to worry about concerns from patients who are calling during the after hours of work.
Thanks to medical answering services, what seemed like a pipe dream of around the clock assistance to patients is finally a reality. These medical answering services are responsible for taking patient’s calls, scheduling appointments, and fill you in on who calls them and why. These companies primarily communicate with patients over the phone, but can also exchange email with them as an alternative method of contact.
An after hours medical answering service has made the experience of handling appointments better overall for hospitals and medical facilities alike. If by chance that you need to reschedule, or one of your patients reschedule, then it is a job for the answering service to make the necessary phone calls for you. When a patient wants to reschedule an appointment, he or she doesn’t have to wait until the next day to let you know. They can contact a service specialist to reschedule their appointment at any time of day.
It is without a doubt that medical answering services can make you more money in the end. If your offices are short on staff, that is not a problem. With your busy schedule in and out of the office, an answering service is capable of booking appointments for you, so that you can spend more time caring for your patients, and leave the rest to calling specialists. You can focus on your own services every day, treat patients faster, and in turn, make more money in a period of time. You clearly have nothing to lose with an after hours medical answering service.
Open communication is necessary for patients to address their concerns. Limiting a patient’s time to contact you based on your specific availability may have consequences. Whether having an answering service or not, you should consider a clear outline of your communication process, so that your patients will know at the right times to call you, and not end up at the start of the day with 10 to 15 urgent messages. Even so, an after hours medical answering service will help lighten your load.
Through after hours support, representatives can provide your patients with fast and easy service. A fast and seamless customer service is key for high morale, relief, and satisfaction from your patients. Your patient can be assured that if something were to happen with them, that they can talk to somebody that can help them almost right away. This is something very crucial to have in today’s medical industry, as clinic and offices find ways to serve their patients better.
Not only is an after hours medical answering services meant to lighten your workload, respond to you patients, and schedule your appointments, but they can also give you a long, sought after peace of mind. While after hours phone calls are easily and quickly taken care of, you can rest easy and free to go about your evenings while service representatives do their jobs in responding to patient inquiries and book upcoming appointments.
All of these reasons make hiring a medical answering service a low risk, high reward investment. Whether you have not enough staff, not enough money to manage staff, too many patients to handle, or simply too much stress, you can hire an answering service for a job that is almost impossible to screw up.