As a medical professional you take advantage of valuable tools every day. For example, your physicians answering service is designed to be an important asset and help you stay connected with your practice. However, this same service can also be a liability if you choose the wrong company, and here are some reasons why.
A liability is defined as something that puts you at a disadvantage. For example, if your physicians answering service is not as good as your competition, you could be at a huge disadvantage and lose a lot of business. Plus, some of this business may not be from your current patients. Let’s look at an example.
When a patient calls an office after hours he is directed to either call the ER or wait until the next business day to contact the doctor. In other words the physician is not available and this can make a person with a medical condition feel vulnerable and alone. Over the course of a few years, several people ask this patient for referrals and he is unwilling to recommend his doctor. Finally, he seeks out another practice.
In this scenario you have not just lost a patient, but perhaps several future patients, all due to your physicians answering service. In addition, if the patient did not complain about the service, you might not even know about losing all this valuable business.
Is Your Answering Service Turning Off Your Patients?
You might think your physicians answering service is doing a satisfactory job, but can you be sure? Have you received any compliments about the efficiency of your answering service? What about complaints? Not all patients will take the time to complain, and if there is anything else about your practice they do not like, you could be in danger of losing many of them.
Take the 14 Day Trial
There is one way to find out how good your physicians answering service is. Come to No More Phone Tag and try it for a full 14 days under no kind of obligation. You will enjoy a wide range of benefits from this fully automated and customizable service.
No More Worries
Imagine never having to worry about your physicians answering service inadvertently giving out private patient information and causing you problems with the government. No More Phone Tag is fully HIPAA compliant and has built in safeguards for security. And here is the best part. You pay one flat rate fee of $65 a month and no hidden charges.