There are many phone medical answering services firms in the market which makes it hard to find the right fit for your healthcare institution, Furthermore, the companies know what to say to attract customers. They are all embroidered in phrases such as “State of the Art Technology” or “Award Winning Platforms” and “Best Quality.” Consider using the following essential tips before you settle on your final decision regarding your service provider.
First Impression
The medical answering services company you choose will be the first impression for your patients. The firm heavily impacts your hospital’s or clinic’s reputation. It is therefore important to make an incredible first impression with the patient on the other side of the phone. Normal boarding can last between a few days to some weeks depending on your needs.
Past Experience
You should not only look for past experience in the field but also if the service provider worked with similar healthcare facilities like yours. If the answer is yes, then you should be able to use their relevant experience and best practices as your competitive advantage you will also save on a lot of time and resource as you will not be required to supervise their every move just to ensure they catch up.
Do a Background Check
Marketing materials and testimonials that are found on the company website, brochures or any marketing platforms can be misleading. If the company boasts of good quality work and excellent service delivery, you need to trust them but you should also verify this information to ascertain that it is correct. Make inquiries on how they ensure quality service delivery.
Most established firms have a phone evaluator that works full time. You can use the call evaluator to see how the representatives usually speak to patients. You can also ask to speak to them directly just to have a glimpse of what goes into the evaluator and what doesn’t. Remember that this service is a process and there is always room for improvement. Regular training is key to quality care over the phone.
Ensure they have Different Locations and Working Power Back-ups
Multiple locations and power back-ups are a way of spreading risks in case of a disaster. If something happens such as a natural disaster or a catastrophic event the service providers should still be able to communicate with your patients.
Go for a Family-Owned Business
A family business is good because they report directly to you because you are their client. If you go to a public company, on the other hand, their main concern will be the shareholders. Your scope of influence will, therefore, be limited. On the same note, consider hiring a company that has not been bought by venture capital firms. The VC firms are in the habit of buying different call center firms and consolidating them with others.
Make an Impromptu Visit to their Office Premises
Some companies may seem great on the website or TV but things are quite different on the ground. Making an announced visit to the company will give you a lot of information regarding their operational style and other such issues. While in the office you can request to assign a dedicated manager who will be in charge of your calls on a daily basis.